VadaXchange_BuddySuccessful cloud-entrepreneur, Aaron Ridgway, has revealed details of the three angel investments he made in 2013 as the result of a Dragon’s-Den style selection process.

Having heard competing pitches from 15 aspiring entrepreneurs, shortlisted to present to Ridgway and his associates, Ridgway selected three for investment, advice and support with reaching next stage funding.

  • Derek Handley’s Snakk Media – with Ridgway providing $200,000 of the $600,000 pre IPO funding and joining as an advisor
  •  Paint innovator Drikolo – with Ridgway providing $100,000+ growth funding, support with introductions and advice to the Board
  •  Internet telephony experts Vadacom – with Ridgway buying a 20% shareholding and providing both strategic channel partnership support and support to find additional funding.

“Having Aaron on board has been game-changing for Vadacom,” says CEO Igor Portugal. “Aaron understood our business and managed to get us to step out of day-to-day running of the business and re-evaluate where we are going.

“He assisted in crystallising and executing on our international expansion strategy. Aaron is a great sales person – he brought some deals to the table that are crucial to our success. He brings the wisdom of a proven track record and a huge belief we can meet our goals.”

The three investments build on Ridgway’s proven commercial experience in founding and providing major start-up funding to cloud-technology company Datasquirt and leading it, as CEO, through growth, NZTE funding, IPO, globalisation, rationalisation and successful exit to a Silicon Valley corporation.

Find out more or email Aaron Ridgway for a meeting.

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